
Showing posts from August, 2020

Poltical Vent

So, it's been awhile since I've posted. Wow! Over a year! But there is so much going on in the world, for which I have thoughts, I can no longer stay quiet. For starters, we have no leadership. Our so-called president was aware of COVID-19 back 2019, and did nothing! Absolutely nothing! Now 150,000+ people have lost their lives, and families have been impacted forever. How pro-life that?...not very. The truth of the matter least as how I see it...."President" Trump only ran for president because he thought it would bring him power...and it does...but I think he thought it would bring him Absolute Power..and that, it does not. He only ran for himself. He doesn't care about us. He is a narcissistic, racist, sexist, selfish human being. I think the thing of the matter is, is that...I know of people of whom left the Democratic party because they felt it wasn't the same Democratic party that they knew...Trump's Republican party isn't the Republican ...