First Post

So, here we go, again. Let's just call this a, 'Turning 40 this year, & Feeling like I haven't used all of my God-given talents, and/or living up to my potential. I am a Part-Time Receptionist at a place in a nearby suburb, and hold a Master's Degree in Marriage & Family Therapy.

Why the disparity? Well, to a certain degree, it is because I have succumb to a chronic illness called Epilepsy. I do not feel it defines me; I prefer to see myself as a 'person with Epilepsy' versus an 'Epileptic.' That said, earlier this decade, I had a slew of seizures that took me out of work for awhile (Thank goodness for a volunteer job I could do from home, for something to add to my Resume and to discuss during interviews), but it was a's appointments, and med changes, and the body's reaction to those med changes...not being able to drive. I am grateful for my husband, Paul's, loving care & support, and for being under such wonderful medical care. I trust my Neurologist; he is very smart doctor, who I feel, knows what he's doing.

Since, then...actually tomorrow...marks eight years of being seizure-free. While I am proud of that accomplishment, I am keenly aware that things could change at any moment. The slew of seizures I had earlier this decade...I can tell it changed my brain. My brain doesn't operate the way it did back when I was in college and Graduate School. I twitch, get easily stressed, and get tired real often (not that our cats mind; they often 'help' me with my naps)...But, so I am where I am.

I do feel I am using some of my God-given gifts as a Receptionist. I am a very social and kind person, who enjoys helping others. I have often been complimented on my smile, and greeting guests allows me to so.

But I also enjoy writing, and feel I was always very talented in that area. So, why, you ask, did I go into Psychology versus English or Communication?...For personal reasons, for which are apart of me, emotional health and wellness issues are of importance to me, as well. As a person with a disability, I endured endless bullying by peers, which led to a bout with Bulimia and Depression (because I blamed myself for that) which led me to feel the need to learn more about mental illness and other mental health conditions. I also wanted to learn about what makes people tick. Additionally, at that point...and I still feel it to be the case, today...anyone can write a book. And, in this case in point, there a different venues of which to write and to express oneself and to tell a story.

And I must admit and be honest...this is not my first blog. Years ago, I had one, that ended up being a total disaster. I was too open, at times, and too negative at other times. It lacked focus. I deleted it. There were some good points that came out of it, though, and I plan to continue them here, such as 'Gratitude Gal' and 'Sports Gal.' I also plan to add some of other 'Gal' labels, such as 'Spiritual Gal,' and 'Independent Gal.' (As a Pro-life Democrat, I don't really fit into one box).

I plan to keep the ultra-personal stuff to my private journal, folks. Technology has its place, but the old fashioned way of doing things still has its place, too. One's ultra-personal thoughts and frustrations still needs an outlet...they still need to be voiced...but this is not the place for that. Technology is only so good; not the end-all, be-all.   


